海南跨境电商展览会| 先行先试服务东南亚企业参与RCEP升级进程
栏目:海南省跨境电子商务展览会 发布时间:2023-11-09
01 海南跨境电商展览会是在海南建设自由贸易港背景下,举办的一个展示跨境电商行业产品、技术和经验的平台,将在今年8月26日举办,旨在促进展示海南自贸港在跨境电商与自由贸易方面的投资机会,促进各国之间的贸易合作。此次在海南举办的跨境电商展览会将有来自世界各地的企业参展,包括东盟商家展示他们的产品和服务,我们将提供机会进行进一步的商业合作和交流。对于东盟商家,展览会将为他们提供







      作为一种新兴的贸易形式,跨境电商在东盟和中国之间的贸易合作中具有独特的优势和机遇。首先,跨境电商可以有效地降低贸易成本,减少物流时间和手续费用,从而促进贸易的流通和发展。其次,跨境电商可以为消费者提供更加丰富和多样化的商品选择,满足他们个性化和多元化的需求。最后,东盟市场空间巨大,东盟庞大的消费需求是孕育贸易机遇的沃土。从2016 年的 95 亿美元到 2020 年的 542 亿美元,东盟电子商务在短短 4 年内增长了近 6 倍,在线渗透率继续上升。2020 年,东盟电子商务销售额占零售总额的百分比达 9%,仍然有很大的增长空间同时,电商大有可为,中国商家可以输出成熟的供应链、电商平台以及其他电商服务。对于RCEP要进一步深化的领域,海南自贸港开展先行先试既有利于把相关政策复制推广到全国,也可以为中国未来在RCEP中做出更大开放承诺提供经验。



发挥海南自贸港开放政策与RCEP的叠加效应,更好地帮助有关企业利用好RCEP协定和海南自贸港政策,拓展区域大市场,进一步深化海南与RCEP成员国投资合作,  我们准备了很多的活动和机会,为东盟商家提供服务。主要有:一、主要嘉宾出席开幕式,二、举办一个主题论坛和五个商家论坛。三、8月26号举行欢迎晚宴,让大家更好地交流和互动。四、海跨会期间的所有论坛对东盟商家免费开放,自由参加。这对于东盟商家来说是一个非常好的机会。我希望这些活动能够帮助他们更好地发展业务,并与其他企业建立更紧密的联系。


海南深化与 RCEP 成员国合作的十六条措施 

(2023 年)

Hainan’s 16 Measures to Deepen Cooperation

with RCEP Members(2023)

1. 构建经贸交流机制。深化与日本、韩国、新加坡等 RCEP 成员国在经济贸易领域的对接,推动与 RCEP 成员国经济贸易主管部门、贸易投资促进机构签署战略合作协议。推动与 RCEP 成员国有关城市、机构建立战略合作关系,加强友城合作。
Building the economic and trade exchange mechanism. Hainan will deepen alignment with RCEP members including Japan, South Korea, and Singapore in the fields of economy and trade, and advance the signing of strategic cooperation agreements with economic and trade authorities and trade and investment promotion agencies of RCEP members. Hainan will also make efforts to establish strategic cooperation relationships with relevant cities and institutions of RCEP members and strengthen cooperation between sister cities.

2. 构建行业对话机制。聚焦热带渔业、现代物流、旅游、消费零售等行业,积极争取中国渔业协会、中国物流与采购联合会等全国性行业协会支持,促进海南重点行业协会与 RCEP 成员国有关行业协会构建合作交流对话机制,促进行业发展。
Building the industry dialogue mechanism. Focusing on industries such as tropical fishery, modern logistics, tourism, and consumer retail, Hainan will strive to seek support from national industry associations such as China Fisheries Association and China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, urge the province’s major industry associations to establish cooperation, exchange and dialogue mechanisms with corresponding industry associations of RCEP members, so as to promote the development of relevant industries.

3. 构建知识产权合作机制。争取国家知识产权局支持,借助世界知识产权组织(WIPO)等资源,积极争取承办国家知识产权局重要国际交流活动,聚焦 RCEP知识产权内容,进一步深化知识产权国际合作。
Building the intellectual property cooperation mechanism. Hainan will work hard to win support from China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), leverage resources such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), bid for hosting important international exchange events launched by CNIPA, focus on intellectual property affairs related to RCEP members, and further deepen international cooperation on intellectual property.

4. 构建标准规则交流机制。争取国家标准化管理委员会(SAC)支持,在海南设立国际标准化人才培训基地。征集采用国际国内先进标准的地方标准项目,并开展标准制定工作。与 RCEP 成员国开展热带作物等领域的标准规则、管理等方面的交流合作。探索在海南取消认证服务的当地存在要求,允许在境内没有商业存在的 RCEP 成员国认证机构取得中国的认证机构资质并在海南提供出口产品认证服务。
Building the exchange mechanism for standards and rules. Hainan will seek support from the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), and set up international standardization talent training bases. It will solicit local standardization projects that adopt domestic and international advanced standards, and push forward standards formulation. Hainan will conduct exchange and cooperation with RCEP members on standards, rules and management in fields like tropical agriculture. Hainan will work to abolish requirements for local presence in authentication services, so as to allow authentication agencies of RCEP members that have no business presence in the province to obtain access to China’s authentication market and provide exported products authentication services in Hainan.

5. 构建智库交流对话机制。积极发挥 RCEP 智库联盟等智库机构作用,开展 RCEP 成员国智库间学术互访、人文交流、能力建设等合作,促进 RCEP 成员国智库间交流对话。
Building the exchange and dialogue mechanism for think tanks. Hainan will make good use of the role of think tank institutions such as the RCEP Think Tank Network, carry out think tank cooperation in the forms of mutual visits, cultural exchange, capacity building, etc. among RCEP members, and facilitate exchange and dialogue between tank tanks of RCEP members.

6. 组织RCEP合作高层政商论坛及会议。聚焦“RCEP 下的自由贸易区(港)”“RCEP 成员国消费与旅游融合”等主题举办论坛,邀请 RCEP 成员国的高级别官员、商业领袖及学界代表参加,共谋区域发展,实现合作共赢。积极发挥中国-东盟商务理事会海南联络办公室、东亚商务理事会中国委员会海南联络办公室等机构作用,积极申办东亚商务论坛等 RCEP 有关机构的高级别会议。争取在海南举办第十三届马中企业家大会。
Organizing high-level government and business forums and conferences on RCEP cooperation. Hainan will hold forums on such themes as “Free Trade Zone (Port) under RCEP” and “Consumption and Tourism Integration among RCEP Members”, so as to provide platforms for high-ranking government officials, business leaders, and scholars from RCEP member countries to share views on regional development and achieve win-win cooperation. It will also give full play to the role of institutions such as the Hainan Liaison Office of the China-ASEAN Business Council and the Hainan Liaison Office of the East Asia Business Council China Committee, and actively bid for hosting high-level conferences of RCEP institutions such as the East Asia Business Forum. Hainan will strive to win the bid for hosting the 13th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference.

7. 搭建 RCEP“一站式”服务平台。海南将建立RCEP“一站式”服务平台,为企业提供 RCEP 协定解读、关税查询、原产地证书签发、进出口许可证办理、商事认证服务、享惠案例应用指导等“一站式”服务。进一步发挥海南自贸港 RCEP 企业服务中心等平台作用,邀请 RCEP 各成员国贸易投资促进机构来访交流,互学互鉴,助力双向投资。鼓励海南各部门、市县、重点园区结合本地需求,提供注册登记、政策咨询、因私签证服务、法律事务等专业化服务,争创一批 RCEP 合作服务点。
Establishing the RCEP one-stop service platform. Hainan will build a RCEP one-stop service platform to offer RCEP agreement interpretation, tariff inquiry, certificate of origin (CO) insurance, import & export permission handling, business authentication service, instruction on enjoying preferential policies, and other services to enterprises. It will also further leverage the role of platforms such as the Hainan Free Trade Port RCEP Business Service Center, invite trade and investment promotion agencies of RCEP members to visit Hainan for mutual exchanges and mutual learning, so as to boost two-way investment. All government departments, cities, counties, and key industrial parks in Hainan are encouraged to provide professional services such as business registration, policy consulting, personal visa application, and legal consulting based on local demands, and set up a group of RCEP cooperation service centers as quickly as possible.

8. 打造海南游戏出海公共服务平台。发挥国家数字服务出口基地等平台作用,为中小型游戏企业提供游戏资源整合、要素流动支持、利润回流等服务,推动游戏出海,吸引 RCEP 区域内中小型游戏企业和初创型企业向海南集聚。
Establishing Hainan’s game “going global” public service platform. Hainan will leverage the platforms such as national digital services export bases to provide services like resources integration, factor flow support, and repatriation of profits for small and medium-sized game enterprises, facilitate domestic games to go global, and attract small and medium-sized game companies and start-ups to settle in Hainan.

9. 搭建港航服务平台。以洋浦国际枢纽海港为核心,打造服务 RCEP、连接国内大市场的“集疏运”体系,大力发展现代航运服务,重点培育面向 RCEP 的集装箱航线。
Establishing the port and shipping service platform. With the Yangpu International Container Hub Port as the core, Hainan will a “centralized and scattered transport” network that serves RCEP and connects to the large domestic market, vigorously develop modern shipping services, and prioritize fostering container sea routes linking RCEP members.

10. 深化与 RCEP 成员国先进制造业领域合作。依托新加坡、日本等 RCEP 成员国在汽车制造、化工新材料等先进制造业领域技术优势,结合海南放宽外商投资市场准入以及企业所得税和个人所得税“双 15%”优惠政策,吸引更多 RCEP 成员国企业在海南投资先进制造业。包括争取推动在海口国家高新技术产业开发区等园区达成汽车制造业领域合作项目意向,争取推动洋浦经济开发区等园区高端涂料项目建设竣工。
Deepening cooperation with RCEP members in the field of advanced manufacturing. Relying on the technological advantages of RCEP members including Singapore and Japan in advanced manufacturing industries such as automobile, chemicals, and new materials, Hainan will take advantage of its preferential policies to broaden market access for foreign investment and reduce both enterprise income tax and personal income tax by 15% to attract more enterprises from RCEP members to invest in advanced manufacturing industries in Hainan. Hainan will also work to push automotive manufacturing projects to settle in industrial parks such as the Haikou national high-tech industrial development zone, and complete construction of high-end paint manufacturing projects in industrial parks such as the Yangpu Economic Development Zone.

11. 深化与 RCEP 成员国消费精品领域合作。依托日本等 RCEP 成员国消费精品资源优势,发挥海南离岛免税政策和中国国际消费品博览会等平台优势,利用海口美兰、三亚中央商务区等现有 RCEP 成员国企业集聚基础,加强与 RCEP 成员国贸易投资促进机构联系,推动更多 RCEP 成员国消费精品在海南集聚,并通过海南进入中国,丰富中国消费市场供给。
Deepening cooperation with RCEP members in the field of high-end consumption. Relying on the advantages of RCEP members such as Japan in high-end commodity resources, Hainan will leverage its offshore duty-free policy, such advantageous platforms as China International Consumer Products Expo, and existing business clusters of RCEP members in Hainan such as Meilan District of Haikou and Sanya Central Business District to strengthen contact with trade and investment promotion agencies of RCEP members, and enable more high-end consumer products from RCEP members to gather in Hainan and then flow to other parts of China to enrich supplies of China’s consumption market.

12. 深化与 RCEP 成员国医药领域合作。依托韩国、日本等 RCEP 成员国优质医疗资源优势,利用博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区“特许医疗、特许研究、特许经营、特许国际医疗交流” 以及真实世界数据试点等一系列特殊政策,争取推动 RCEP 成员国医药企业在海南落地生物医药研发、医美药械加工等项目。
Deepening cooperation with RCEP members in the field of medicine. Relying on the advantages of RCEP members such as South Korea and Japan in high-quality medical resources, Hainan will leverage a series of special policies including the “franchised medical care, research, business and international medical exchange” of the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone and the Real World Data Pilot Project to push medical and pharmaceutical enterprises from RCEP members to invest in biomedical R&D, aesthetic medicine and equipment manufacturing, and relevant realms.

13. 深化与 RCEP 成员国咖啡产业领域合作。依托印度尼西亚、泰国等 RCEP 成员国咖啡高端品牌资源优势,利用海南咖啡百年历史文化浓厚的优势,叠加海南自由贸易港进口设备、原材料等“零关税”优惠政策,积极引进 RCEP 成员国咖啡产业链企业在海南集聚,鼓励开展咖啡加工业务,设立咖啡精品全球展示交易中心。打造“种植+电商+农庄+文化+旅游+加工”咖啡全产业链模式,促进咖啡产业农文旅融合。
Deepening cooperation with RCEP members in the coffee industry. Relying on the advantages of RCEP members such as Indonesia and Thailand in high-end coffee brand resources, Hainan will leverage its century-old coffee culture as well as the “zero tariff” for imported equipment and raw materials of Hainan Free Trade Port to attract enterprises throughout the coffee industrial chain from RCEP members to settle in Hainan, boost the development of coffee processing business, and establish the global high-end coffee display and trading center. Moreover, it will create a full-process coffee industrial chain model that covers “planting, e-commerce, farms, culture, tourism and processing” and promote the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism in the coffee industry.

14. 深化与 RCEP 成员国农产品加工领域合作。依托东南亚、澳大利亚及新西兰等RCEP 成员国农畜产品资源优势,利用海南自由贸易港“零关税”优惠政策、加工增值内销免关税优惠政策、RCEP 关税减让等红利,进口优质农畜产品,加快建设文昌约亭农副产品加工产业园、儋州农产品加工园,谋划推进东方市农副产品食品物流贸易港产业园,促进优质农副产品加工品出口及内销。
Deepening cooperation with RCEP members in the field of agricultural product processing. Relying on the advantages of RCEP members such as ASEAN countries, Australia, and New Zealand in agricultural and livestock product resources, Hainan will leverage the “zero tariff” policy, exemption from import added-value duties for goods resold in other parts of China, RCEP tariff reduction, and other preferential policies of Hainan Free Trade Port to import high-quality agricultural and livestock products. It will also speed up the construction of the Wenchang Yueting Agricultural and Sideline Products Manufacturing Industrial Park and the Danzhou Agricultural Products Manufacturing Industrial Park, and plan and advance the construction of the Dongfang Agricultural and Sideline Products and Food Logistics and Trade Port Industrial Park to promote the exporting and domestic sales of high-quality agricultural and sideline products.

15. 推动与 RCEP 成员国运输往来便利。复飞直达 RCEP 成员国的国际航线并加密航班。出台入境旅游市场开拓扶持办法,提升入境航线境外游客数量。完善港口、码头等基础配套设施建设,推进中柬两国民航局签署第七航权双边航空安全协定,力争尽早开通第七航权航班。
Promoting transport facilitation with RCEP members. Hainan will resume and increase direct international flights to RCEP members, formulate and implement measures to expand and support the inbound tourism market, and attract more inbound overseas tourists by air. It will strengthen construction of infrastructure projects such as ports and terminals, and push forward the signing of the bilateral aviation safety agreement on seventh freedom traffic rights between Chinese and Cambodian civil aviation authorities to open the seventh freedom traffic rights for cargo services.

16. 推动与 RCEP 成员国人员往来便利。加快出台海南自由贸易港针对 RCEP 成员国商务人员的停居留工作便利措施。出台在海南工作创业、科研创新外国人停居留工作暂行办法,加快吸引 RCEP 成员国人员来海南贸易、交流、访问和投资。进一步优化 59 国人员入境旅游免签政策,扩大免签事由,拓宽免签渠道,推动逐步增加 RCEP 成员国免签国家范围。
Facilitating personnel flow with RCEP members. Hainan will formulate and enact measures to facilitate business personnel from RCEP members to stop over, reside and work in Hainan Free Trade Port as quickly as possible. It will implement the provisional measures to facilitate foreigners who work, do business or engage in scientific research and technological innovation in Hainan to stop over and live in the province, and attract more personnel from RCEP members to Hainan for trade, exchange, visit and investment. It will further optimize the visa-free policy for tourists from 59 countries by expanding the visa-free scope and via waiver channels, and gradually include all RCEP members into the visa-free policy.


